Customer Testimonials

Read what our customers have had to say about our products and service. They love us, and I'm sure you will too!

Good shop!

Good shop, good price, good delivery!
5 out of 5 Stars!
Timur Kharenkov
Kiev, Ukraine

The Greatest Shop Ever!

I already bought 2 hams here - and they were excellent! The service is amazing. I definately recomment And I'm going to make orders regulary. Thank you, William!
5 out of 5 Stars!
Kiev, Ukraine


Excellent jamon! Great service! William, thank you very much!
5 out of 5 Stars!


Hello! Today I received my first order. Everything arrived in perfect condition. All the products were perfect. Good shop, delicious products, perfect service!
5 out of 5 Stars!
Tatiana Shpyneva

The best shop!

Good day , everybody! I found this shop due to positive reviews of some Russians whom I'm obliged to... I've made my first order of Acorn-Fed Iberian Shoulder and Turron de Hijona and found that all products are of very high quality, well-packed, terms of delivery for Russia are quite real -12 days to Moscow and plus a couple more to St.Petersburg, all documents for customs are enclosed. This is great opportunity for those Russian people who like Spain and familiar with Spain cuisine as well as for those who'd like just to join to taste first-hand fresh products and to have them being at home. Special thanks to the Owner - William - for his attentive individual approach, his professionalism, his quick responses to all my letters. Prosperity to his business and health to him! I can recommend this shop to everyone and hope to make orders in future to make happy my family and friends even more so many products are still untested. Kind regards, Oxana St.Petersburg-Lomonosov Russia
5 out of 5 Stars!
Oxana Zamchuk
St.Petersburg-Lomonosov, Russia


Hello! Yesterday I received my first order. Everything arrived in perfect condition. From the moment of sending messages to the delivery "to the door" was exactly a week. Since the order was delivered to the office, I made ​​a little tasting for my colleagues. All the products were perfect. Good shop, delicious products, perfect service!
5 out of 5 Stars!
Grebenik Igor
Kyiv, Ukraine

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We highly value all the feedback that we receive from our customers, and each and every one is read by EVERY staff member in our organization. If you feel that we can make improvements to our products or service, please leave us a private comment.

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